Dedicated to safely and effectively treating cancers in companion animals.

Cancers are a serious health problem for our pets.  More than 12 million of our dogs and cats are diagnosed each year with cancers, primarily those of the skin, bone, breast and blood.  Unfortunately, almost half of all dogs and a third of all cats will die from these cancers or from long-term side effects of drug treatment.  Because of the lack of early symptoms, cancers are frequently very advanced when diagnosed, requiring more aggressive chemotherapy.  However, chemotherapy is often ineffective in providing long-term cures, because of resistance to the anti-cancer effects of these drugs and treatment limitations as a result of life-threatening side-effects, including permanent heart damage.

 Therefore, improved veterinary cancer treatment must satisfy three requirements: (1) effectiveness against drug-resistant cancers to achieve a cure, (2) elimination or reduction of adverse effects to make treatment safer for our pets and (3) affordability for the pet owners.  Paradox Pharmaceuticals has designed and developed a series of affordable drugs that will satisfy the need for improved therapy against multiple veterinary cancers that bypass cancer drug resistance and eliminate toxic effects to the heart. Read more about our advanced drug development program here.

Learn about our expanded drug development strategy through basic and translational research.

Our advanced pipeline includes novel drugs under development to treat cancers in companion animals.

Learn more about how Paradox Pharmaceuticals was founded with the mission of safely eradicating veterinary cancers.